Channel 5 Interview | Channel 5’s Alexandra Koehn interviews Thom on enhancements and changes coming to our West Meade neighborhood and the alliances that have formed. Click and learn more.
Channel 5 Interview | "For our public high schools, I worked alongside Metro staff, government leaders, and other business leaders to establish The Academies of Nashville: a nationally recognized, project-based, experiential learning initiative. Today, 350 businesses partner with Academies in all our zoned high schools, offering students mentorships, internships, and externships." Click and learn more.

Santa’s Coming to town Saturday, Dec.7 ON A FIRETRUCK.
YES, a Big Honking Red Firetruck. Giving his reindeer the night off, Old Saint Nick is hopping on a fire engine and spreading some Holiday Magic throughout our neighborhoods.
The Belle Meade Parade is BACK, and Santa will be in it. It will be a FUN-TASTIC mix of music, marching band, floats, AND SANTA. (see Santa's Schedule below).
What about Parade PARKING?
Glad you asked.
12:00 PM: Belle Meade Blvd. (BMB) will close to through traffic from Harding Place to Page Rd.
Spectators of the event will be allowed to park in the right lane of Southbound Lane of Belle Meade Blvd. The left lane shall remain clear for emergency vehicles/personnel.
1:00 PM the parade will start heading North bound on BMB.
Parade will end at triangle across from Belle Meade Country Club.
The Big Jolly Elf plans to make 3 stops to sing with his elves — who DIDN'T get the night off — AND hand out treats to the children, big and small :-) He and his firetruck will ride in the parade between Stops 2 and 3.
Got a letter for Santa? BRING IT!
It’s fast, it's easy, and, there's NO postage. Click and see last year's letters — so much fun.
Santa's Stop-Spots for Saturday, Dec. 7
1st Stop (12:15-12:45) Brook Hollow Baptist Church – 678 Brook Hollow Rd.
Santa Joins The Belle Meade Parade (1:00-2:15 pm) – The parade starts at Percy Warner Park on Page Road, goes up Belle Meade Boulevard, and finishes at the field across from Belle Meade Country Club.
2nd Stop (2:30-3 pm) Belle Meade Links / Parmer Park – 578 Leake Avenue.
3rd Stop (3:15-3:45 pm) Carnavon West Meade Park – on Carnavon Pkwy (turn into the gravel parking lot on Melinda Drive across from Westmeade Elementary School). ​​​
In case of bad weather, bring your umbrella — because SANTA Claus, Mrs. Claus and Elves will be there.
A BIG thanks to...
Matthew Lascara for the fire truck and chauffeuring Santa.
Direct Scaffold Services / Nashville Scaffolding for donating safety harnesses for Mr and Mrs Claus and their elves.
The UPS Store Belle Meade for donating/discounting printing cost of Santa and Parade fliers.