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Santa’s Coming to town Saturday, Dec.7 ON A FIRETRUCK. 

YES, a Big Honking Red Firetruck. Giving his reindeer the night off, Old Saint Nick is hopping on a fire engine and spreading some Holiday Magic throughout our neighborhoods.



The Belle Meade Parade is BACK, and Santa will be in it. It will be a FUN-TASTIC mix of music, marching band, floats, AND SANTA. (see Santa's Schedule below).


What about Parade PARKING?

Glad you asked. 

  • 12:00 PM: Belle Meade Blvd. (BMB) will close to through traffic from Harding Place to Page Rd.

  • Spectators of the event will be allowed to park in the right lane of Southbound Lane of Belle Meade Blvd. The left lane shall remain clear for emergency vehicles/personnel.

  • 1:00 PM the parade will start heading North bound on BMB. 

  • Parade will end at triangle across from Belle Meade Country Club. 


The Big Jolly Elf plans to make 3 stops to sing with his elves — who DIDN'T get the night off — AND hand out treats to the children, big and small :-) He and his firetruck will ride in the parade between Stops 2 and 3.

What about PARKING?
Got a letter for Santa?

Got a letter for Santa? BRING IT! 

 It’s fast, it's easy, and, there's NO postage. Click and see last year's letters — so much fun.

Got a letter 4 santa 4 website.png
Santa's Stop Spots

Santa's Stop-Spots for Saturday, Dec. 7

1st Stop (12:15-12:45) Brook Hollow Baptist Church – 678 Brook Hollow Rd.


Santa Joins The Belle Meade Parade (1:00-2:15 pm) – The parade starts at Percy Warner Park on Page Road, goes up Belle Meade Boulevard, and finishes at the field across from Belle Meade Country Club


2nd Stop (2:30-3 pm) Belle Meade Links / Parmer Park – 578 Leake Avenue.


3rd Stop (3:15-3:45 pm) Carnavon West Meade Park – on Carnavon Pkwy (turn into the gravel parking lot on Melinda Drive across from Westmeade Elementary School). â€‹â€‹â€‹


In case of bad weather, bring your umbrella — because SANTA Claus, Mrs. Claus and Elves will be there.


A BIG thanks to...

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